The Ramnugger Cane and Sugar Company Limited was incorporated under the Indian Companies Act, 1913 as a Public Limited Company in the year 1936.The initial crushing capacity of the Mill was 500 TCD in 1936-37 which was expanded to 800 TCD in 1955-56 and finally to 1200 TCD in 1958-59. During the year 2007-08, the capacity of sugar mill was increased to 1800 TCD by installation of new machinery i.e. 30 Ton/21 kg. Pressure Boiler, 3 MW Power Turbine, Vapour Cells,Pollution control Devices, Mill Turbines and other Devices with a Total outlay of Rs.18.00 crores. The mill is situated at Plassey, District Nadia (West Bengal) about 160 Km. from Kolkata on N.H.34.
The Management of the company was taken over by KHAITANS from November’1989 and the name of the Company was changed to Khaitan Agro Complex Limited in the year 1991. By merging its flagship Company Khaitan (India) limited in 1994 the name was changed to Khaitan (India) Limited.
This is the only sugar mill in the state of West Bengal, which produces sugar by crushing sugarcane. The Company has a reserved area of 154313 hectares in Nadia and Murshidabad Districts within a radius of 60 kms.
There are enormous potentialities to increase Sugarcane production. Sugarcane being the cash rich crop the growers of the area are inclined to cultivate sugarcane.
The total consumption of sugar in West Bengal is around 10 lac M. Tones a year. The sugar is being imported from other states. Hence there is a wide gap between the consumption and production of the states and as such marketing of sugar is not at all a problem in West Bengal.
The Company has planted about 30,0000 trees on the borders of the sugarcane fields. Most of which has timber value in years to come on its maturity.
Keeping in view, the potentialities and aforesaid advantages, a modernization was taken in hand and spent about Rs.1800 lacs in installation for new machineries during the year 2007-08 which includes new Boiler of 30 kg/21 kg Pressure, 3 MW Turbo Gen. Set. Boiling Deptt. Machineries etc.etc.
The Company has captive farm land of 8046 acres which comprises of 20 farms stretched over the districts of Nadia and Murshidabad and are situated in the heart of Bengal Delta within the arms of river Ganges (locally called Bhagirathi). The aforesaid land is situated on both side of the river. Bamandanga land is situated at Bethuadahari on N.H. 34 about 20 k.m. ahead of Plassey. Farm wise details of land is enclosed herewith. By an estimate about 1400 acres land has been lost due to river bank erosion.
NH-34 going from Kolkata northwards to Berhampur via Krishnagar froms the eastern boundary of Company’s lands. At Plassey (160 from Kolkata on NH-34), there is a diversion metaled road terminating at Tejnagar Ghat, 4 kms. From NH-34. On this road, Sugar Mill is 3 kms.
Latitude & LongitudeThe farms lie between 22o 52’ 30” and 24o 05’ 40” parallels of northern latitudes and between 88o 48’ 15” meridians of the eastern longitudes.
ClimateClimate is characterized by an oppressive hot summer, high humidity all the year round and well-distributed rainfall during the south-west monsoon season. Cold weather starts around middle of November and ends in February. March to middle of June is the summer season. South-west monsoon breaks around 10th June and lasts till end of September, occasionally up to 15th of October. Normally, October and November constitute the post-monsoon season.
Rain FallThe average annual rainfall is about 1400 mm. in Nadia District and 1425 mm in Murshidabad District.The northern end farms in Murhsidabad District receive a little more shower than the rest. The pattern of annual rainfall is almost identical in both the districts. The rainfall during the monsoon months constitute nearly 80% of the total annual rainfall, July-August being the peak rainy months.
The total area 8046 acres includes Factory premises, Quarters, Bungalows, Roads and around 4500 acres cultivable land where the sugarcane is planted and grown. Sugarcane being rotational crop the land utilization is being made 70 : 30 : 33, 33% i.e. Plant Cane 70%, Ratoon Cane 30%, Fallow 33%. This 33% fallow land can be used for crops other than Sugarcane i.e. seeds/ vegetables/ green manuring etc. The cane is planted in about 70% area between 15th October to 15th December and balance between 15th January to 28th February.
Major part of the farm soil is generally sandy / salty loam of open texture with good moisture retentive capacity and permeability in the sub-soil layers. Well-aerated soil profile, compaction or hard pan in the sub-soil being usually absent, accounts for a depth of 60 cm or more. At places, particularly in low lands, soil is loam to clay loam.